Thursday, April 28, 2011

Video Services are Ready!

OK, YouTube is great for some silly funny little video clips. Yes you can go viral, OK now what? I has it's place, the backyard video, the family is forced to watch it every holiday making  fun of grandma. Maybe you can only watch for a minute because it is like a roller coaster ride.

Is this really where you want to get serious attention when promoting your business, or yourself?  Are you tired of being faced with the competition everywhere you turn? That is what you are doing when you jump in the backyard video pool.  It is no longer a "niche" market, it is main stream reducing your chances for discovery. It is like standing in the middle of millions of people and you are the short one...

From promoting your business, to branding yourself, you want to trust the professionals. Call us see our difference, get ready to take it to the next level.

Smart TV Studios

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

If you could just get the interview...

You know you have the skill, and you know you have what it takes to get the job. Why won't they call? Everyone is telling you that you need to get a new better resume. Wait they are $400 dollars and higher! I don't have a job I can't afford a $400 dollar resume!

Trust me when I tell you,  a $400 dollar resume to $1000 dollars  doesn't make a difference in a pile of resumes. Your resume will need to stand up and sing the national anthem, to get noticed. 

The answer in today's job market! Your professionally produced Video Cover Letter will get noticed. Set yourself apart from the others today. Get that chance to land the career you are looking for.

We are so sure about what the "Video Resume Cover" will do for you career search, we are providing the opportunity to have yours produced "Free". Hurray call for your appointment with our Video Consultants to make you appointment for our special on Wednesday April 27,2011.

Smart TV Studios

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Free Video Resumes Chicago!

Stand out in a crowd of resumes! Jump to the front of the line. We will professionally produce your "30 sec to 2 minute" Video Resume Cover Letter. We will  also share with you a few simple steps on how to get noticed!

Thursday April 27,2011 Call now to book your appointment! Don't miss out! Work with our specialist, trained to make you look professional, and ready to make it happen!

Hurry spaces will go quickly!

Call 874.868.3240 or email us at to reserve your appointment today!

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Friday, April 15, 2011

What does it take today to get your business noticed?

You have listened to everyone, you paid to have your website designed. You designed mailers paid the postage and you purchased the list to deliver to prospecting clients. Humm... why isn't the phone ringing? It seems there is more traffic to the website, why aren't they trying to contact us, if they made it to the website? You have started  trying e-mail blast...

Today's research still proves that people buy from people. This is the age of information, causing people to shut down, to the bits and bites. When those customers come to your site they  see more words, and possibly pictures. YOU NEED TO GRAB THEIR ATTENTION!  

We can show you the way! 
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Look for all that is happening!

This past weekend we had the opportunity of filming "Into the Woods-Junior" production at Wildwood School IB in Wildwood, Chicago. All young participants did a fantastic job, they worked so hard and they deserve to be recognized. I want to congratulate the Director of the play Aubrey Cunat for doing a great job. We will be adding a link, where you can view the play online, at the Wildwood IB website after editing is completed. More news to come....meanwhile, there is a lot to be said for all links to social media, and the endless possibilities that is provided through social media, that enable us to work better, faster, smarter, and more efficiently.